Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bila nak kerja?

" Jadi sekarang duk buat apa? Bila nak kena panggil posting?"

huhu..Officially i am getting bored to answer this kind of question... don't worry la, when the time comes i will officially tell you. ok, puas hati?. 

haih...Please la ask the question that  I can  answer...huuu

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2 seconds memories

do you know that the goldfish only have 2 seconds memories....

i don't know either......but pasta taught me that...:)

oh, sometimes i wonder how does it feel to have only two seconds in your memory.... :),

sometimes, i wonder who i am if  i am not myself..

sometimes, i wonder where can i go, if i am not staying in this place..

i wonder why i don't have the courage to do something beyond my expectation..

i wonder why i like to fight for mY life? why don't i just let it to just flow

all i want to do right now is to sink myself in the water and enjoy the coolness

i want to float myself at a nice, quite lake with a nice view at night, in dark, watching upon the star, alone

all i want right now is not to be found...

i want to be free, i want to free my mind, i want to let go, back off and i want to grow up differently...

let me be

p/s: “In my thoughts, I’ve packed my bags more than a hundred times.”-cinderella sisters

p/s 2: thanks :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mak dan Abah

Lately, haha, maybe not just this time around, i do like to complaint a lots. 
Lotsss to be exact. It does not because i like to do it.. but to some extent.i can't understand why does other people became so clueless on what happening around them.. 

I can't understand why they make it difficult when actually they can make it easy

Why people like to only just see it, when they actually can do it.. huhu, my sister amaze me by referring this kind of attitude to the phrases in quraan that say

"They have hearts but do not understand, eyes but do not seeThey have ears but do not hear"

I also don't understand about how come the common senses actually disappears from today's community... i just can't accept the fact why people are so ignorant, self centered, and how come the senses were actually vanished?

I keep on thinking, and complaining and the usual answer that i get is, they don't have any kind of senses? how come? grrrrrr

So, i keep on telling my parents about my disappointment, that i can't just simply understand or accepting this kind of creature..Please la, make me understand...

Haha, and luckily, I have parents who actually understand me. They heard everything that i told them. They make me understand the things in the unique and simplest way. They understand my intention. I don't hate those peoples, it just that i can't accept their irrelevant attitude. They make me understand the situation, accept others weakness and the most important thing is to learn from others weakness, and don't repeat it in the future. I also learn about complex characteristic of people may have including my own self and how to handle them.. The most important things is that, i am just amaze on how parents can be so patients to deal with this kind of attitude long time compared to me, and the can still bear it...

After all, i just realize that, i can't change people, and lots of complaining, just can't change anything. All i can do is to change myself, for a better person... hmm, but still, i can't thanks my parent much for all the mumbling session, for all the listening session, for whatever times they take to make me understand thing...and this commercial just came up my head....

huhu, insaf. full stop. I'm sorry mak and abah for all my wrong doings, my impatient, my hot tempered and all. thanks for being such a wonderful parents to me, the best friends i never had ;)..

Sunday, December 9, 2012

i just want to smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)))))))))))))))))))))))

Sunday, December 2, 2012

On being home :)

There isn't any place better than home. Home is where the heart is :))

I think, nobody can deny to me on that..... 

Its soo great and its so refreshing, even when there's a time where i just can't wait to leave this place due to some circumstances, but still this is the place that i think i will end up with...huhu

Ya Allah , please help me to make my life count, in your way!

2023-My new year start now

011222 Day 1 of life Bismillahirrohmanirrohim Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani Pada-Mu aku berserah dan bergantung ...