Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Be Kind to your heart :)

tiba - tiba mata rasa panas lepas baca quote ni.
hati rasa sejuk.
indeed.. Allah is the most gracious and the most merciful.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

great lost

Meeting my old smart brilliant high school friend at my friend's wedding today..never that I know  she elegantly quit being a houseman.. suprisingly.. I am not shocked with her decision....but I do admire her..she told me about that with a great smile I had ever seen.. it so sincere plus her happiness shining through her eyes.. she's made a great and cool decision that I never think that I will ever had the same courage to do the same things if I was in her position.

On the other hand...one of my senior are leaving us today and I admit that I am sad.. this person I do admire so much.such a role model. I do meet so many good people but nobody can challange  him in many aspect.. I do learn a lot from him..

Last but not least.... I do feel that we lost such a great teacher this week.Dr I.. wishing you all the best in master programme... you taught me a lot of things about ong and also survival skill.. I like how you always point out my weakness..that really help me to move forward. I may not agree with certain things but I do thanks you for many things..May Allah bless u always..

Such a great lost :(

2023-My new year start now

011222 Day 1 of life Bismillahirrohmanirrohim Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani Pada-Mu aku berserah dan bergantung ...