The Consultant Specialist in my hospital once apologize to me for saying a not-so-good words towards me. "Maaf ya dik, saya tidak sepatutnya ngomong (bercakap) begitu. Saya lagi pusing tadi, banyak urusan. Bila saat-saat begitu perangai buruk akan keluar. Saya minta maaf ya" I was like.. surprise at the moment he said that, and actually MORE surprised of what he said before. But i don't take it in my heart although if he actually does meant it, it doesn't matter. I already know it .haha. Actually, there's a time in life, we'll be the 'bad' man. Although we want it or not, at least, once in a while we used to be lost from who we used to be. At the time, we are not our own self, and nobody seems to know us at the time. There are time when everything seem to be unbearable and we can't afford to do anything and nobody seem to understand what we're going through. And its the time where i really miss you the most:) MISSING YOU I am not a very good ...